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Dark Muse
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Dark Muse
A Tale from the Crossroads
by David Simms
Published by
Fire and Ice
A Young Adult imprint of Melange Books, LLC
White Bear Lake, MN 55110
Dark Muse, Copyright 2013 by David Simms
ISBN: 978-1-61235-661-7
Names, characters, and incidents depicted in this book are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental and beyond the intent of the author or the publisher. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.
Published in the United States of America.
Cover Art by Caroline Andrus
"Do you believe music has power? Dark Muse answers that question with an ear-shattering scream that will plunge you into terrifying worlds unknown. Hang on!'
— Elizabeth Massie, Bram Stoker Award Winning Author and Bestselling YA author of the Young Founders series, the Daughters of Liberty trilogy.
"Dave Simms has written an engaging entry in the young adult market; he knows his music and his audience—or any audience! I was quickly seduced into reading page after page, loving the characters and the story. A must-read and a keeper."
— Heather Graham, New York Times bestselling author of Let the Dead Sleep
Dreams do come true but most of the time, they need plenty of hard work and with that, a lot of fine people to bring that abstract wish into a reality. Dark Muse has been a long time in the making. Without an exceptional editor, someone with a keen eye for details, most writers can never see their flaws with their own two eyes. Denise Meinstad took a chance on a first novel and worked magic. Others should be so lucky to be paired up with someone so passionate about the craft of storytelling along with a pure love of books. Thank you for helping to chisel something to be proud of from a raw block of imagination.
Back in 2006, my first writing mentor and friend, Deborah Leblanc, snuck me into a band of authors to perform at the first Thrillerfest in Phoenix. After sharing the stage with some of the biggest writers in the country, I found myself in a new world. David Morrell, John Lescroart, Michael Palmer, Blake Crouch, Scott Nicholson and Bob Levinson taught me plenty about perseverance and how music and writing are intertwined. When the Killer Thriller Band morphed into the Slushpile, I found myself with true friends who pushed me in many ways towards the realization of my dream. Thanks to Alexandra Sokoloff, Harley Jane Kozak and Elle Lothlorien, but especially to two people who have changed my life, both professionally and personally, as we played across the country and beyond, Heather Graham and F. Paul Wilson.
The bands featured in this novel have fueled a fire in me which inspired the story and many others will find themselves in the sequels. Life without music is not life to me.
This book would not have been possible without the inspiration of my students, the many I have been graced with and learned from over the years. You have shown me what true magic is by overcoming odds which would cause many others to quit. The band in Dark Muse is based on many of those who have taught me about enjoying what I do have instead of lamenting what I lack.
Finally, to my parents for always encouraging me to explore new worlds in playing guitar and saxophone, writing and reading anything that had words on it.
Yet this achievement would mean little if I couldn't share it with my wife, Trudi, and brand new son, Sawyer.
For my parents, who have always kept my muse burnin
Table of Contents
"Dark Muse"
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
About the Author
Chapter One
Edgar “Muddy” Rivers lay flush to the edge of the hill overlooking the train tracks, the wasteland of garbage and the two narrow roads that met right in the middle of it all—the crossroads that predated the town of Carter Hills, New Jersey.
He dug his fingers into the dirt and weeds to keep himself from shouting to his brother, Zack, who stood dead center in the crossroads, illuminated by moonbeams piercing the clouds on a starless night. The teen was caught up in a frenzy, entranced by the music he was playing. The eighteen-year-old stood his ground, tall and lean, muscles taut beneath his Led Zeppelin T-shirt, a stark contrast to Muddy, who was almost three years younger, four inches shorter and rail thin.
Beneath his brother’s caressing fingers, his Les Paul guitar screamed and howled. He played notes that whined, cried and pleaded for resolution. Yet his brother kept pushing.
And pushing.
What was he doing? Muddy opened his mouth to scream for Zack to stop, yet no voice sounded.
As Zack lost himself in his music, thunder boomed and lightning illuminated the smile on his face. No rain followed, but the air pressed down on them like a soaked woolen blanket. Each shaky breath Muddy took felt as if both lungs were drowning. Something sinister added to the weight of the air. He wished to shake his brother free from the hold the music had on him, but found himself fixed to the ground.
The earth beneath the teen began to tremble with the next smash of thunder. Zack kept playing, fingers dancing in mad passion along the frets, completely oblivious to what was happening around him. He was fading into the night, dissolving into the darkest song he had ever heard.
Muddy didn’t want to be there. He wanted to be home in bed, tucked in nice and warm, but earlier that night, he’d followed his brother Zack out of their house, guitar in hand. By the time he’d reached the top of the hill and spied Zack below at the desolate crossroads, he was doused in sweat. Zack simply started playing his guitar. He carried with him a tiny, portable amplifier powered by batteries. Jacked up to ten, the amp sounded much louder on this crazy night.
In the shattered moonlight, Muddy saw dark streaks of blood from the slices in his brother’s fingers. They ran the tightropes of the strings down to the pickups where his right hand strummed and plucked, and twisted out violent cries of emotion.
A crescendo ended in a smash of thunder. An explosion of light began another flurry of notes and screaming bends. Zack fed off the storm, and maybe, just maybe, the storm was feeding off him.
Then the ground shook so much Muddy nearly slipped over the edge, tumbling down the hill. Muddy’s fear of this bad section of town gave way to another, more pressing fear.
Zack’s face broke into an even bigger expression of joy, yet tears streamed down his cheeks. The crossroads shimmered in the moonlight under his sneakers. Still, he played like his life depended on it. Like the music
was his life.
Just before it happened, Muddy sensed a feeling of foreboding, like something bad was about to break through. Not from the ground. Not from the sky either. From somewhere else, somewhere he doubted either of them had ever imagined.
Finally, the night opened, like those thick velvet curtains hung in vintage theaters. It sucked Zack’s music into whatever lay behind it.
Muddy managed to stand on wobbly legs and was about to run down the hill to stop him, save him, but something obstructed him before he could start and he fell to the ground.
The curtains wrapped around his brother in an otherworldly embrace, taking the older boy and his music away.
When the moonlight returned moments later, the crossroads stood deserted.
Chapter Two
School dragged by on Monday as though time insisted on becoming Muddy’s newest enemy. From the moment he stepped through the yawning jaws of Roosevelt High, minutes turned to molasses through an hourglass. He knew he wouldn’t get a chance during the day to speak to his band, “The Accidentals”, about his brother’s strange disappearance. The story would have to hold until practice. His anxiety boiled, his arms clenched tight to his sides as he walked the hallways. Of all the days that he needed things to glide by, the elements of fate threw him a curveball whenever he turned around. Right as he headed to lunch, they smacked him right in the forehead with a doozy.
“Hey, retard!”
Great. The town’s biggest dealer is talking to me.
The moment froze as he turned to face the six-foot-two, ghost-like bully and his buddies. Muddy didn’t take drugs and this guy knew it, but ever since their mother died, Zack sometimes did. His brother swore the stuff helped him “connect,” just as Jimi Hendrix did, as some of the other greats supposedly did. Muddy knew that Zack ached for a realm most musicians only dreamt of, the feeling when melody, instrument and soul became one, when the barrier broke between worlds, dimensions and anything else life threw in your way. All musicians shot for it. Muddy had been close to the “zone” several times, but had only danced on its edges, had never plunged into its all-encompassing embrace.
But, then he wasn’t his brother. He wasn’t the rock-god-in-waiting.
“Yo,” the slime said, this time even less friendly, if that was possible.
Ice frosted his spine as he turned to face the older boy. Vince looked like an evil imp with sharp cheekbones and a pointy chin.
“Yeah?” Muddy’s voice shook the word into three syllables.
The dealer’s smile broke wide open. At the same time, he nudged his buddies, the guys who actually sold the drugs in school so nothing could be traced back to him. Vince was a senior, probably headed to a good college the following year, but still a terror to anyone he disliked. He had the makings of a lawyer, Muddy often thought.
“Where’s your brother?” Vince asked.
I wish I knew.
“No idea, Vince. He didn’t come home last night.”
“You do know he has business with me, right?”
Muddy didn’t and wished he could punch his brother right then and there.
“He blew me off last night,” Vince said.
If you only knew.
Vince tried to angle him into the locker but the bell rang, saving his butt for another period or two.
“Tell him to watch out if he tries that again.”
* * * *
“Yo, man,” Otis called, twirling a drum stick in one hand and folding a slice of pizza in the other. “You look like you spent a week in Metallica’s bass drum.” Muddy’s best buddy stood a good five-foot even and didn’t care one bit.
One by one, the band members filed into the music room to eat their lunch together, the one place where they felt completely at home outside of the stage.
“Yeah,” Corey said. “Did you fall into someone’s locker again?” The complete opposite of Muddy's best friend, this guy, originally from the poor side of town, towered over all of them at over six-two and wasn't anything like his brittle buddy, Otis.
“Funny.” They had no idea what hell Muddy had stumbled into last night. Running on two or three hours of sleep, the nightmare still pulled him deeper. “Where’s Poe?”
“We thought she might be with you,” Otis, the diminutive drummer said, smiling.
“Why the heck would she be with me?” Muddy snapped, now worried.
Everyone in the band knew about his silent crush on Polly, but he hoped she didn’t—yet.
Still, what mattered now was what happened last night.
“Sorry, man.”
He plopped down into one of the padded chairs, already depressed. “We gotta talk guys.”
“You’re breaking up with us?” Otis was always the first one to joke, alluding to his condition.
The others cut the tension with laughter, despite the ticked off expression that was carved into his face. As they continued, the door edged open, allowing a tall, slender female with raven colored, mid-length hair to enter. Everyone knew about his crush on Poe—except her—or did she? She never let on if she had an inkling of suspicion. With a name like Polly, she preferred the more goth tone of “Poe.” Obviously, “Edgar” and “Poe” would’ve sounded a little too cute—or not. Plus, there was the fact that she thought he wanted to date Chelsea, the ditzy cheerleader who once called him “Special Ed.”
“Dude, what’s wrong?” Otis asked. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Muddy’s lips moved, but a phantom force held the sounds within his throat. If they only knew how true it was--and that was only half of it!
“Are you okay?” Poe moved closer to him, close enough to tell that she could actually see him and not just a vague, fuzzy silhouette. She wasn’t totally blind, but in the legal sense, she qualified. “Was it your mom again?” For a moment, he allowed himself to stare. He didn’t like to since she wasn’t aware, yet she always was. Her pale blue eyes appeared to gaze through people, to a place where maybe she would be happy. They shone bright but much older than her sixteen years should allow. However, when she smiled, as she usually did when singing, every fiber of her being lit up like a million candles at midnight. She sat in the chair next to him, showing more grace than someone without sight should have, but this was just one more reason she would live forever in his heart.
“Zack’s gone,” he blurted, arms hung low at his seat. “I mean, really, gone. Gone.”
They hit him with a barrage of questions, but the storm in his belly stopped Muddy from saying a word. Even just looking at his burger nearly caused him to vomit all over his friends. He ached to empty his guts, spilling the horrors he'd lived the previous night. Yet as much as they pried and he tried, the words just wouldn’t materialize.
Muddy waited, but knew the darkness he sensed was coming would greet them all too soon.
* * * *
They met again later in the music room for practice. Otis, the diminutive drummer, sauntered in, sticks-a-spinning, followed closely by a heaving Corey, hands full of skinny wooden reeds. “Am I last, again?”
“As always,” Poe cracked. The ham loved to entertain a full audience whenever possible.
Muddy felt the spotlight shine mercilessly on him, something he hated.
This time, he told them everything, from the suspicions that grew when his brother first began skipping rehearsals with his own band and locking himself in his darkened room, to the crackle and spit of the lightning at the crossroads.
Muddy’s flesh turned to goose bumps as he recalled the music Zack played, the song that would haunt him till he felt his last breath decrescendo into oblivion.
Otis shook. “Man, that blows. But what the heck are the crossroads? I haven’t heard that word since that Britney Spears movie bombed.”
“Hey, cut the crap,” Poe said. “No jokes. Not now.”
“No, seriously,” Otis replied, “this is stranger than that bubblegum moron’s success story.” He held his head in his hands as his eyes never fu
lly closed.
Sometimes they forgot his fragilities, the vulnerable kid that hid behind his cool persona, a porcelain egg existing beneath a thin veneer of steel. His own story made Muddy's problems seem trivial.
“Isn’t that a show on VH1?” Corey asked, sounding serious. “They have that country-rock thing happening there? I saw Faith Hill and Kid Rock there once.”
Muddy felt his blood begin to pump liquid heat through his body, throbbing like an untuned bass drum. He couldn't unscramble his thoughts with everyone yapping like that.
“Just shut up!”
They did, shocked into silence. He never yelled, even during rehearsal, or when Poe’s dad did...what he sometimes did. Muddy preferred to simmer, a seething kettle on the edge, but never blowing his lid.
He managed to get through describing last night and when he was done, they all just sat there in awe, staring. Whether it was due to his explosion, or the wild story, he didn’t know, nor did he care.
Poe broke the silence first. “So, let’s go find Zack and bring him back.”
“From where?” Muddy’s voice cracked with pain. “Where did he go? Where do we look? Who do we talk to? This is crazy; this is all we need at school.”
Poe still had her hand on his arm. “Let’s ask Satch,” she said, referring to their music teacher by his nickname. “Satch has been all over the country. He knows tons of weird stuff with music. I’d bet my left eye he’s heard of the crossroads. And I'll bet the other one that he can help,” she said with a wink.
“So, what do you want to do, Muddy?” Poe rarely used his nickname, the name Edgar preferred, instead of sticking with his given name. It meant she cared about his plight.